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Our mission is to connect quality educational resources to all teachers in order to facilitate learning, increase engagement, provide differentiation, increase rigor and promote high expectations.




Our mission is to connect quality educational resources to all teachers in order to facilitate learning, increase engagement, provide differentiation, increase rigor and promote high expectations.
Simple T-Chart Template (Differentiated) Graphic Organizer

Simple T-Chart Template (Differentiated) Graphic Organizer

Check out this differentiated variety pack of three student-friendly T-Charts. Each of them are labelled on the bottom with a different version and either include a blank space, lines, or bullets to meet your students' needs. This can easily be adapted to a multitude of in-class and at-home assignments. Save yourself time and inconvenience by supplementing your lesson with this clear and concise T-chart!
Simple Parent-Guardian Contact Log Form

Simple Parent-Guardian Contact Log Form

This simple form acts as an ideal data collection template for when you contacted parents. Very simply put, you can track who the student was that you called, the reason for calling, the date, and any notes that came out of it. It serves as great documentation when having conversations with other teachers, administrators, or parents about ongoing communication monitoring. Be sure to check out my "Advanced Parent-Guardian Contact Log Form" if you want a little more organization with your template!
Signal Words Reference Guide

Signal Words Reference Guide

Check out this simple and color-coded reference guide that can improve your students writing and take it to the next level! Separated into five categories including comparing, contrasting, ordering, listing, and finding the relationship, these guide facilitates the use of higher level vocabulary in writing and speaking. It can either be printed as a poster, printed and taped into books or used as a tool for differentiation. This will be sure to facilitate the higher level vocabulary with improved transitions for all students!
Sequence of Events Graphic Organizer Template (Differentiated)

Sequence of Events Graphic Organizer Template (Differentiated)

Check out this simple and visually stimulating graphic organizer that students can use in a variety of contexts. Whether it be organizing a writing piece or analyzing a story, the flow of the five boxes allows students to organize their thoughts and ideas. The template is provided in both color as well as black and white. Each of these templates also comes in three different forms including blank space, lines, and bullets to best meet the needs of you and your students. Be sure to check out our other graphic organizers as well!
Science Journal Evaluation Rubric

Science Journal Evaluation Rubric

Check out this simple and student-friendly rubric which is meant to be used to evaluate student science journals. The rubric is broken into four categories, of which students can score between a 1 and a 4. Each score for each section includes explicit description of what you need to obtain that score. A guide on the bottom shows how to calculate up to a percentage grade. This is meant to be provided to the students, so they know what is expected of them with the journals, and then used to grade at the end of the quarter, or semester, or year. Sections included cover topics of Organization, accuracy, elements, and illustrations. Best wishes! Be sure to also check out my other rubrics as well!
Scarcity and Abundance Exit Ticket Assessment

Scarcity and Abundance Exit Ticket Assessment

Check out this simple 5-question assessment that offers insight into students' understanding of scarcity and abundance concepts. Presented with 3 multiple choice question and 2 short answer drawing representations, this assessment can serve as a great quiz or exit ticket. It can also be adapted for independent work or homework.Through a variety of prompts of short stories, this worksheet ask students to identify a specific element from the story as a scarcity, and abundance, a supply, a demand, and more! An answer key is included for your convenience!
Reflective Writing Lesson (Inspired by Dr Seuss's Oh The Places You'll Go)

Reflective Writing Lesson (Inspired by Dr Seuss's Oh The Places You'll Go)

What a better way to inspire your kiddos than applying concepts from Dr. Seuss' book "Oh The Places You'll Go". You will need the book to complete this lesson, but there are multiple digital and read aloud version online (Youtube offers some good options). Included in this packet is a clear step by step lesson for teachers as well as a planning sheet and differentiated formats for final copies that students can use. Aligned to the ideas in the Leader In Me Program, students can begin with the end in mind and reflect on where they want to go, and what they have to do to get there, while tying in concepts from the book!
Reading Tracking Form for Home Template

Reading Tracking Form for Home Template

Check out this simple graphic organizer used to track weekly reading at home. Broken down by the day, this template includes a space for the title of the book, pages read, and the time spent each day. At the end of the week, the parent signs and returns the bottom portion to validate and verify the effort put in at home. Students who read at least 20-30 minutes a night outperform their peers in class and on tests. This is a great way to hold students and parents accountable. It is presented in a very student friendly fashion that is direct, clear, and will definitely help with documentation, intervention, and a data point for conversation. Be sure to check out our other templates for reading as well!
Reading Fluency Running Record Abbreviation Attachment

Reading Fluency Running Record Abbreviation Attachment

Check out this simple and clear running record reference sheet. With seven pre-determined abbreviations and a blank spot for one more, this attachment is meant to be printed and stapled to the documentation for running records. This way students can reference what they need to work on and why they did well. It is intended to align to a 60 second reading fluency test. Abbreviations included are things like misread word, omitted word, skips a line, etc. This is a great way to streamline and be transparent with these acitvites!
Reading At Home With Your Child Letter to Parents Guardians

Reading At Home With Your Child Letter to Parents Guardians

Students who read or are read to for at least 20-30 minutes every day, perform better on tests throughout the year and show linkage to increase success in the classroom. This letter home is a great way to promote a positive literacy culture at home and create buy-in with parents reading to and having students read to them at home. Presented in a very friendly way, this letter clearly articulates the role that parents can play at home when it comes to supporting reading at home.
Positive Office Referral Template

Positive Office Referral Template

Flip the discourse around by creating a positive environment around behavior. Praising the positive and focusing on the students doing the right thing is aligned to the PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions & Support). This is a great way to allow those students who often slip through the cracks for doing the right thing, receive the recognition they deserve. Formatted very similar to the tradition behavior report, there is a section for the location, character trait that was identified such as grit, honesty, humility, teamwork and much more. There is a section for the teacher comments, and then an administrators comments. This can then be sent home for parents to see the great things their child has done.
Personal Student Missed Homework Tracker

Personal Student Missed Homework Tracker

Check out this simple and well-organized template to track missed homework. Each student is to receive a sheet that can cover up to three subjects for each month, With embedded directions, students and or teachers can put checks and "x"s into their sheet for when they complete homework and when they miss it. This is a great way to transfer the autonomy and responsibility on to students. This can easily be adjusted to have parents sign at the end of each week, stapled in planners, tacked in binders and so much more!
Personal Student KWL Chart

Personal Student KWL Chart

Transfer the work-load to students by having them use their own KWL Chart. Though you can still do it on a piece of poster paper or on the board, this is a great way to have students take ownership over their own learning, and track their own progress. This template can be laminated and used again and again or be printed for each unit to allow students to connect their prior knowledge to their own goals to reflecting on what they learned!
Pennant Template Variety Pack

Pennant Template Variety Pack

Check out this awesome variety pack of pennants that can be customized in any way you choose. You will find six templates that all have a spot for holes for string to run through, and are all meant to be cut to be a perfect triangle. There is a place at the top for students to write their name but each of the six have different formats. This is a great beginning of the year activity or a way to allow students to co-create their own classroom environment. Students can write about themselves, respond to a prompt, write a short answer, draw a representation, record their learning and so much more! Have fun!
Peer Evaluation Rubric for Group Work

Peer Evaluation Rubric for Group Work

Add a level of accountability to your group work by simply infusing this student friendly assessment each time. With up to five peers, (or four if you want to including students reflecting on themselves) students will evaluate their peers in four key areas. Each area has a 1, 2, and 3 totaling a possibility of a max of 12 for each partner. These areas include participation, behavior, on task, and work. This is a great way for the students to feel responsible for their actions as well as for the teacher to gain insight into each student's contribution.
Parent Volunteers Request Letter Form

Parent Volunteers Request Letter Form

Looking for an easy way to get parents on board to lend a helping hand? Look no further with this simple and well-organized template that you can use in a variety of contexts. The top introduces the rationale for why their help is needed, the middle is a check box list of ways they are being requested for, and the bottom is a sign and return form. This is a great way to include key stakeholders in your classroom, whether it be reading to a small group, preparing crafts, talk about a career and so much more!
Parent Teacher Conference Summary and Next Steps Template

Parent Teacher Conference Summary and Next Steps Template

This clear and well-organized template is meant to be used to keep track of discussions during parent teacher conferences. Separated into eight sections, the template is color-coded to differentiate the next steps and who is responsible for them as well as various components such as strengths and focuses, scores and goals, concerns, and next steps. This provides clear direction moving forward for all parties involved and serves as great data for records!
Parent Teacher Conference Request Form Template

Parent Teacher Conference Request Form Template

Add some simplicity to your day and streamline parent conference requests with this simple form. Very clear and direct, the form explains that the parent is being invited and a space is left blank for you to fill in the date and time the conference is being requested for. On the bottom, there is a section for the parents to respond by cutting and noting if they can come or if they need the time and date to be rescheduled. This consistent and simple form will hopefully make your day that much easier! Happy conferencing! Be sure to check out our other Conference forms including questionnaires, note taking guides and more!
Parent Teacher Conference Questionnaire Template

Parent Teacher Conference Questionnaire Template

Facilitate your parent teacher conferences with this 8-question template. This is a great way to guide your conversations, push them to a deeper level, hold all parties accountable and making this time meaningful. Questions include things about students feeling about school, their favorite friends, difficulties in school, how can teachers help and much more. This is a great form of documentation for both you and the parents.
My Hurt Feelings Promise Template

My Hurt Feelings Promise Template

Promote problem solving and positive self image with this template. While pushing students to reflect on their feelings and actions, this form is broken into three main parts. The first component has students make a promise for what they are going to do if someone hurts their feeling. The second part prompts them to think through the importance of talking about their feelings. This is heavily aligned to Conscious Discipline and communicating feelings. The third component has student think through why they know they are great. Ending with a signature, this is a great way to be proactive for problem solving behaviors and feelings!